eternal1As many of you know, I am a HUGE Melissa Marr fan.  So much so that she is a large part of the reason I decided to finally start writing last year.  I have enjoyed Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange and continue to refer to them when I am “researching” ways to describe certain kinds of scenes, or pull off a believable (and smoldering)  YA romance.  

So, I was more than a little eager to read Fragile Eternity, the third installment in her Faerie books. I was in the middle of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare when I got the book, frantically trying to finish it so I could start.   I stayed up VERY LATE Sunday and Monday and was thrilled wen I could start Melissa’s book on Tuesday.

Let me tell you, the story did not disappoint. 

Fragile Eternity focuses on the Seth, Aislinn, Keenan relationships, something I missed in Ink Exchange (I think we already know I have a little character crush on Seth!).  Taking the reader through the far reaches of the Faerie realm, Melissa does an amazing job of showing the complex relationships between the various characters, and the impact this Sighted mortal (Seth) has on all of the courts.

The book did leave me hanging – anxiously awaiting another installment (I hate it when that happens).  But, cliff-hanger and all, it absolutely did not disappoint.

What have you guys read recently?  I am always looking for new books to read.ashes

And by the way, I loved City of Bones also.  Look for a review of that series once I finish the other two books, City of Ashes and City of Glass.

8 thoughts on “Another Fantastic Read by Melissa Marr

  1. I loved, LOVED this book. And I was so excited to meet Melissa Marr at Davis Kidd in Nashville this week. The book is fantastic. I don’t want to spoil it by talking about it too much but it’s best to read after Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange but I do think that you could get away with reading this one first. The character development is so that you can get a real feel for who almost everyone is (with the exception of Leslie and Irial who are mentioned but not actually in FE).

    Great Post.

  2. Ok, I can’t believe I’m going to admit this, but I’ve never read any of Melissa Marr’s books. I’ve heard so much about them and they’re on my list. This post makes me very excited to get started!

    1. Lisa and Laura – thanks for stopping by and YOU HAVE to read all of her books…SO GOOD!!!

  3. I am mildly chagrined to admit I just finished the Twilight series, for research. I liked the intensity of the emotions and was looking for a new series that could also have a high level of that, because that’s what I write. Thanks for the suggestions; I’ll be downloading them to my kindle ASAP.

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. And I read Twilight for research too…(that’s my story and I’m sticking to it). Actually I write YA so I read a lot of YA. Melissa’s books are some of my absolute favorites. Happy reading!

  4. Christine,

    Thank you so much for introducing me to the Melissa Marr series. Wicked Lovely was incredible. I can see why you read her books. I took a ton of notes and can’t wait to see how her style influences my work.

    1. Lorettajo – I am glad you are enjoying Melissa Marr. She really is an amazing. I haven’t been willing to share her books with my firends, ’cause I want to make sure I have them to refer to whenI need to!

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