So, a fab writer, Weronika Janczuk decided to put this whole “write every day” thing into perspective and challenged the blogosphere to just focus on writing ONE page a day. Easy, right? And just what I need to get back on the “writing” horse.

So, from 5/15 to 6/15 I am concentrating on one page a day – that’s it. If I write more, cool. But I only am focusing on one page.

To keep me honest, I’ll have a calendar of my progress in my right sidebar, and tweeting my progress. Who knows, maybe this will help me find my way back to my regular writing routine.

To find out more Weronika’s challenge, or see a list of people participating, hop on over to her blog.

Do you guys like to set writing goals? What are they? Maybe you should join the page-a-day challenge!

7 thoughts on “Page-a-Day Challenge

  1. LOVE this idea. I’m working on editing at the moment, but that just means I can aim for MORE pages each day. I’m in. Gonna try to edit three pages per day – more if time allows and the spirit moves me.


  2. That IS a good perspective. Good luck, Christine, I hope it works out well! And good luck to the others too. I’m going to check it out and see if it will help me get on the horse too. :o) Thanks!

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