Happy Saturday! It’s blog chain time again. This round was started by the ever-amazing Amanda, who wanted to know:

Are you a good social networker? What aspect of platform building do you focus on the most? Which aspects freak you out?

Hmm. I don’t know that I am a “good” social networker, but I will say that I have fully embraced it. Most of the writerly peeps I “hang” with are amazing at their preferred venue for social networking – next to them, yeah, I’m just me. BUT, I do enjoy many different types of networking and it has changed me and helped my career in some pretty positive ways –

So let’s look at the various venues and I’ll share my loves and…well…the things that freak me out a bit:


I blog almost everyday, and have grown to love it. There is just something about connecting with others, having to think about what content you guys would actually be interested in reading, and reading your comments that I enjoy. In fact, it feeds me in ways I didn’t expect.

Just as I love to blog, I love reading all of your blogs. I am LOUSY at commenting, not because of anything other than time and tech barriers – sometimes I read blogs on the go, sneaking in a few minutes here or there.


I love Twitter too.  Through things like #gtchat and #yalitchat I have not only learned a lot, I have built a platform for both my NF and my YA works. In fact, I am very certain my participation in #gtchat has significantly impacted the sales of my NF titles.

I have the freedom with Twitter to sneak in and sneak out – and connect a little a long the way. So yes, Twitter + me = YAY!


I like facebook too. I have both my personal page and my author page. Eventually, I plan to move most people over to the author page – but I’m not really in a rush with that.

Facebook has been fun personally (connecting with old friends) and professionally. It can suck you into a void of distraction (as can Twitter) but I do love it.

Other venues like forums, SecondLife, Youtube, Skype:

I belong to several listservs and forums – all of which enable me to broaden my social presence. Likewise, my presentations on forums and Secondlife allow me to meet, talk and connect with people who have similar interests and passions. All of which is good!

Youtube, etc are not venues I have done much with, but I am not opposed to vlogging.

Okay – so obviously I am involved with a ton of social networking venues. The irony here, I am a total introvert.

No seriously…I-N-T-R-O-V-E-R-T.

But I’ve learned something about me the introvert – I don’t get overwhelmed talking with people or putting myself out there ONLINE. It doesn’t zap my energy in the same way as say…cold calling in sales, or socializing at a party when I don’t know anyone.

In fact, social networking has enabled me to connect in a global way, without the difficulties of face-to-face meetings getting in the way.  I have met every crit partner, every beta, and every source of support online BEFORE I met any of them in person. In fact, a few of my online buds are closer to me than some of my RL friends. Strange, but true.

Now, confession time – the part that freaks me out…

Social networking is a TOTAL time zapper! It is so easy, I think, to get wrapped up in everything and forget why we started networking to begin with – to get our WRITING out there.

For me, I’ve had to get really clear on the role of social networking in my life and prioritize things:

First – LIVING (so I have the inspiration necessary to write)

Second – WRITING (so I have something to “get out there” in the first place)

Last – SOCIAL NETWORKING (yeah, it’s hard to keep it last on the list – but I have too in order to get any writing done at all).

So what about you? What do you like and dislike about the world of social networking?

Be sure to see what Sarah had to say yesterday. Then go to Abby tomorrow for more talk about social networking.

10 thoughts on “Blog Chain Time: Putting Yourself Out There

  1. I am an extrovert, but I love emotion. In fact, I am an ENFP according to Meyers-Briggs. I think that that is the platform for my blog. I suppose my Facebook account represents the introvert in me, but that’s been changing as I have been less prolific with my statuses.

  2. Oh man, so true!! Total time suck, if you let it. I’ve had to cut way back. One of the reasons I just can’t blog every day. Funny thing is, I can be seriously introverted, too. Mega hermity. Like I don’t even like to answer the phone sometimes. But when it comes to networking ,whether it’s online or at a conference or business function, I put on my extrovert hat and do my best. But man, sucks the energy out of ya, doesn’t it? The nice thing with social networking online is that you can scale back when you need to or just to recharge. I have to say though you do a great job with your social networking. You always seem so positive and personable.

  3. Yep, I’m with you on that priority list. I read lots of blogs, but am terrible at commenting for the same reasons you mentioned above. And also, sometimes I think there’s just not enough time in a day. Wait, not sometimes. Always.

    But I love blogging and Twitter and Facebook as well. All the other stuff pretty much falls to the bottom of my priority list, so sadly, I don’t do nearly enough with those other sites. Oh well. I’m only one person.

  4. I totally agree that networking is a total time zapper! I find it hard, especially when I’d rather been writing. I think you’ve done a great job of building your platform, though. I’ve learned a lot about being a successful networker from you! 🙂

  5. Oh, gosh, the time-zapping quality of social networking is awful. Those ten minutes I set aside for things like Twitter and blogging disappear so quickly and often eat into work time–especially on days when I might not feel well or just can’t see to focus. But there are definitely good aspects to social networking as well, particularly what you say about the introverts like us being able to reach more people through it.

  6. I totally loved your Twitter + You = YAY! You plus MY twitter = yay for me too! You have made twitter an uber fun place for me to be. 🙂

    And I think it’s funny that you list yourself as an introvert. I think most of the writers I’ve met have some social weaknesses. It’s probably why social networking works so well for us!

  7. That is a really nice thing about online social networking. You can communicate with people without the discomfort some people (like me) have with face-to-face dialogue.

    Great post!

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